Young people creating hope for humanity

Over recent months I have met around 500 young people between the ages of 14-16.  Through doing so, I have been so inspired and deeply moved by their unique vision of who they want to be as adults.

Our team have been conducting workshops on Rites of Passage around the country and exploring with young people the type of men and women they want to be, whilst comparing these aspirations to the many stereotypes around what it means to be a man or a woman in today’s society.

The vision young people have fosters a genuine sense of hope for humanity for the future. Some of the character traits shared by these students in recent weeks includes:

Boys aspiration for the type of man they want to be

  • Mature
  • Responsible
  • Role model
  • Know your limits
  • Humble
  • Calm
  • Patient
  • Resilient
  • Understanding

Girls aspiration for the type of woman they want to be

  • Confident
  • Happy
  • Honest
  • Strong in self
  • Genuine
  • Can make a difference
  • Brave
  • Self Loving
  • Independent

Some pretty impressive lists from some amazing individuals and equally amazing traits that we can all aspire to. Interestingly, without exception in each and every workshop someone contributed a version of the following statement:

“Be yourself and who you want to be!”

Imagine what kind of world it would be if we all did that.